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Where does the time go? Whether you need to know for billing purposes or just want a better idea of how your work day is split up, you can always answer that question with the Issue Navigator application.

Issue Navigator is scalable, user oriented time tracking tool that makes extensive use of existing TFS infrastructure to make time management automatic, intuitive, transparent and accurate. By automating a number of complex, tedious and error-prone tasks the application improves accuracy, simplifies use and provides advanced reports of time spent on each task and project.

Issue navigator offers a comprehensive set of functions, along with full TFS integration and advanced reporting.

01. Features


In vast majority of time tracking systems keeping track of the time spent on certain activity is only possible if targeted user or multiple users enter relevant data after completing this activity. With Issue navigator you can avoid the unnecessary step of keeping track yourself. Simply start working on a certain task by selecting it from the list of items assigned to you. Issue Navigator allows seamless switching between the tasks. The timer on the previous task will automatically stop and a new one will start. The time spent on the task will be added to your total daily, weekly and monthly time and it will show up in all relevant reports and on your timesheet. All automatically recorded times can be altered later from the “manage time” view. This way Issue Navigator empowers a user with full control of each second spent on all assigned tasks.


In modern business it’s not about how much data you have, it’s how you use it and how quickly can you covert this data into a true business value. Reports created by Issue Navigator contain employee timesheets, breaks and activities organized by project and represented as both tables and charts. Reports are sent automatically at the end of the work day, week and month. Employees get individual reports while managers and team leaders get reports for all members in their team.


Although it might not be the most convenient way, sometimes it is useful to view your entered data as a spreadsheet. For this purpose you can view and export a timesheet as a spreadsheet. Apart from being able to see the timesheet for your day, week or month you can also choose any arbitrary date range to export. Team leaders and managers can export time for the entire team or organizational unit. Exports can be filtered by project, job number and/or user story.


Working on a certain task is rarely uninterrupted. When the phone rings or an important email is received we start to work on something else but the time is still logged on the task we were performing before we were interrupted. Issue Navigator allows a quick one button action that stops time logging on the current task and allows user to finish the new activity, decide what to do with the time that was logged as interrupt and return to the original task. Time can be assigned to the current task, any existing task or a completely new task created for the interrupt.


Tasks that are assigned to an employee can be filtered by project and/or iteration. Another great option is filtering tasks by current iteration or current week.


Issue Navigator has built in support for How To tutorials that are project based. All procedures, guides, checklists and task templates can be hosted in one place and viewed by employees working on those projects.


Most tasks we perform require some kind of support or assistance. The time spent on assisting someone else is usually not tracked or is tracked using a general team support task. Issue Navigator has built in assist functionalities that allow accurate tracking of any assistance given on a task. Once assist is started, time on the assistant’s current task is automatically stopped and time is logged on the task user is assisting on.


All time logged using the Issue Navigator will automatically be synchronized with TFS tasks. All tasks, user stories, bugs and job numbers can be created directly from Issue Navigator without the need to use any other tool. All user access rights are directly inherited from TFS.


Gathered data can sometimes be sensitive and you don’t want it sent over the wire and shared. That is why all data gathered is stored locally on your database server and you have total control over it. Having a local database also enables you to use Issue navigator without an Internet connection.


Issue Navigator has built in meeting creation/scheduling options. Employees can be invited to a meeting as mandatory or optional. Meeting agenda, location, start and end time can be sent. Once the meeting is sent an automatic integration with Outlook is performed and the meeting is added to the calendar.

Time tracking process using Issue Navigator

Issue Navigator follows a complete lifecycle from project creation, definition of user stories, task implement and implementation verification. Issue Navigator time tracking process offers multiple benefits for both employees and management:

  • Project-based approach for segregating tasks
  • Reporting tools automatic daily, weekly and monthly reports
  • Real time TFS synchronization
  • Precise iteration and progress tracking

Issue Navigator Architecture

Issue Navigator is architected to support deployment on the employee’s desktop using a click once installer. It is integrated with the TFS database, TFS API and uses a separate database for internally logged data.

Persisted Data Model

High availability support is achieved through a persistent RDBMS data model. Issue navigator leverages the benefits of transaction support, database synchronization, and object locking.

High Availability

Issue navigator has built in recovery from power failure, server crashes, and network connection faults. This is achieved by logging all uncommitted time locally in a recovery file.



Important facts

  • Organization size: Small to medium organizations
  • Maximum number of logged records: Millions of logged records
  • Maximum number of concurrent clients: Supports up to 1000 concurrent users
  • Supported databases: MS SQL2008, MS SQL2012 .NET Framework: 4.5

Supported operating systems

  • Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, Server 2008, Server 2012

Hardware Requirements

  • CPU: Single core 2.0 GHz
  • Memory: 1GB RAM or higher
  • Disc space: 30MB + Database space

02. Benefits

For employees

  • With Issue navigator you gain perspective, spot inefficiencies in your day and become better at managing your time
  • Good historical data on actual time spent will allow you to greatly improve your ability to estimate tasks and projects, and gain credibility on those estimates you provide to management and prospective customers
  • With accurate estimates, your chances of delivering projects on time increase greatly
  • As you track your time, remaining time on certain task will automatically decrease, thus keeping your schedule accurate and up to date with possibility to re-estimate open tasks when needed
  • Seeing where you spent your time will help you identify problematic tasks so that you can adjust accordingly
  • As much as everyone hates punching a clock, there’s something about knowing that you’re on one that can make you work more efficiently, or at least help you recognize where the distractions are

For company

  • You gain an effective way to ensure accountability. Issue navigator makes it simple to calculate the overall cost of each project or initiative and to create a weekly or monthly report.
  • Accurate time tracking provides an easier path to increased transparency of both time and expenses in the organization
  • Capturing passive data timesheets provides valuable metrics for assessing organizational performance
  • Complete insight into each project performance empowers project managers to plan future activities and perform re-prioritization and reassignment of work